Deciding whether to rebuild a big gun irrigation sprinkler or purchase a new one depends on several factors. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

Komet Twin Max

Komet Twin Max

  1. Age and condition: Assess the overall condition of your current sprinkler. If it is old, corroded, or has significant damage, it may be more cost-effective to replace it with a new one.
  2. Repair history: Consider the frequency and cost of previous repairs. If the sprinkler has required frequent repairs or the cost of repairs is approaching the price of a new sprinkler, it may be more practical to invest in a replacement.
  3. Efficiency and performance: Evaluate the sprinkler’s performance. If it is no longer providing adequate coverage or is less efficient than newer models, upgrading to a new sprinkler might be a better choice.
  4. Technological advancements: Research recent advancements in irrigation sprinkler technology. Newer models may offer improved efficiency, water conservation features, or other benefits that could justify purchasing a new sprinkler.
  5. Cost analysis: Compare the cost of rebuilding the sprinkler, including parts and labor, with the cost of purchasing a new one. Consider the potential lifespan and expected performance of the rebuilt sprinkler versus a new model.
  6. Future needs and plans: Consider your long-term irrigation needs and any plans for expansion or changes in your irrigation system. If you anticipate significant changes, it may be more beneficial to purchase a new sprinkler that aligns with your future requirements.
  7. Expert opinion: Consult with irrigation professionals or suppliers. They can provide valuable insights based on their experience and knowledge of the industry.

By considering these factors, you can make a more informed decision on whether to rebuild your big gun irrigation sprinkler or invest in a new one.

Here is a link to rebuild kits for Nelson and Komet Big Gun Sprinklers.

Here is a link if you are looking for a new gun. Komet or Nelson.