Certified compostable biodegradable mulch film

Finally, there is a product that provides the benefit of mulch film, without the expense of having to pick it up after each season. Since it is fully compostable and biodegradable, you can simply till it into the soil where it breaks down into its natural base components.

FilmOrganic provides the most complete line of soil-compostable biodegradable mulch films available on the market. They are the only company to offer mulch films with a predictable lifespan. The technology is proprietary and their processes unique.

The mission is to give farmers the opportunity to increase their yield with environmentally friendly compostable biodegradable mulch film that won’t damage their soil.

FilmOrganic started in 2014 with over 100 growers. No polyethylene. No plastic. True compostable biodegradable technology with a promise to make it affordable for growers.



  • Predictable Lifespan: Tailor the mulch to your crop for a reliable and predictable lifespan.
  • Wind Resistance: FilmOrganic contracts to the bed, ensuring it stays securely in place, even in windy conditions.
  • Yield Enhancement: Optimize heat unit management to minimize stress and boost crop yield.
  • Certified Biodegradability: Certified film that biodegrades through soil microorganisms, promoting environmental sustainability.
  • Over-Winter Barrier: Specialized over-winter biodegradable weed barrier for effective seasonal protection.
  • Mechanized Cleaning Efficiency: Enhance productivity with mechanized cleaning processes for more efficient operations.

FilmOrganics offers specific films by crop, currently specializing in:


Series Surface lifespan in months Bed height (inches) Width Length Application
Black 36 3 6 48”  4000′ General purpose
58 5 6 48” 4000′ Coldest climates
66 6 6 48″ Tomatoes
88 8 8 48”  4000′ Double crop, rough ground
CoolWhite 66 6 6 48”  4000′ Late tomatoes and peppers
88 8 8 48” 4000′ Double crop, rough ground


Other sizes available. Call 517-458-9741 for details or email us at info@triplekirrigation.com!