May 23, 2022

These are the world’s largest vertical farms

All around the world, vertical farming is BIG.  While it is just getting started now in the United States, it has been used for decades in other countries like Japan.

As explained in this article in Domas “As more than 80% of land suitable for crops is already in use, vertical farming has become a critical component of agriculture’s future.

While continued large-scale agriculture contributes to global deforestation, pollution, and climate change, vertical farms present an opportunity to optimise plant growth using soilless farming techniques and as little space and transport as possible.
In the vertical farming process, plants, foods and herbal medicines grow in vertically stacked layers, inclined surfaces or containers receiving water and nutrients with hydroponics, geoponics and aeroponics techniques. The results are greater harvests at any time of the year, anywhere in the world, and using fewer resources.”Some of the featured farms:

AeroFarms Newark NJ

Upward Farms, Luzerne County, PA

Mirai and General Electric, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

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